Own your own home
The ask.
YouOwn is a provider of 'shared ownership' in housing. The brief was to bring their product to market and provide information and resources to potential customers.
The approach.
By creating an explainer video and robust FAQs, we solved the problem of reducing complexity around how the product works. The site contains a library of relevant information which allows customers to do their own research on the benefits of shared ownership over low-equity mortgages. We built a mortage repayment calculator which offers potential customers a quick and simple way to understand the costs involved, without feeling like they're being locked in. By showing case studies of existing customers, we build trust with new prospects.
The result.
A new product offering brought to the New Zealand market, providing Kiwis an alternate option to buying a house – while remaining transparent as a company.
The tech.
Front-end: HTML, CSS, ES6 JavaScript
Back-end: Wordpress
Other: Google Analytics
Next steps.
Continue to build resources and refine the target market. Engage with new prospects through digital and print advertising.